Fitness Courses &
Personal Training
Ich helfen Dir, Deine Ziele ohne Rätselraten und Herumprobieren zu erreichen.
Starker Körper, starker Geist, starke Persönlichkeit
Fitness Courses &
Personal Training
Ich helfen Dir, Deine Ziele ohne Rätselraten und Herumprobieren zu erreichen.
Starker Körper, starker Geist, starke Persönlichkeit
Allyson VanMaaren
Als Personal Trainerin möchte ich den Menschen beibringen, wie sie Gesundheit und Fitness mit ihrem individuellen Lebensstil in Einklang bringen können, damit sie ein starkes, gesundes und langes Leben führen können. Ich glaube an einen ganzheitlichen Lebensstil und an die Bedeutung eines ausgewogenen Verhältnisses zwischen Stress, Schlaf, Ernährung und Bewegung für jede Person.
Mein Weg als Trainerin begann damit, dass ich Mannschaftskameraden unterrichtete, als eine Verletzung in der High School mich von der Teilnahme abhielt. Seitdem ist das Trainieren ein fester Bestandteil meines Lebens, und es macht mir immer wieder Freude. Ich habe in den Sportarten Laufen, Tauchen und Schwimmen trainiert und an Wettkämpfen teilgenommen und trainiere seit 2014 professionell Kunden im Bereich Gesundheit und Fitness.
Ich liebe es, Menschen dabei zu helfen, Kraft, Ausdauer, Flexibilität, Haltung und allgemeine Fitness zu verbessern. Ich bin motiviert durch die Erfahrung meiner Klienten, dass sie mehr Energie haben, besser schlafen und ihre täglichen Aufgaben leichter bewältigen können. Wenn ich meinen Klienten dabei helfe, sich ein Leben ohne Schmerzen vorzustellen, mit ihren (Enkel-)Kindern durch den Park zu jagen oder frühere Hobbys wieder aufleben zu lassen, zaubert das ein Lächeln in mein Gesicht. Meine eigene Genesung von Sportverletzungen, Schwindel und Schwangerschaft gibt mir die Erfahrung und das Vertrauen, Ihnen bei der Bewältigung Ihrer Herausforderungen zu helfen. Manchmal braucht man die Hilfe eines Trainers, der an das eigene Potenzial glaubt, um es selbst zu erkennen.
Allyson VanMaaren
CPS, Spezialistin für Fitness vor und nach der Geburt, Trainerin für Krafttraining für Läufer
Nimm Kontakt mit uns auf
Ways to contact us
Mobil: +49 15751182802
WhatsApp-Messenger: +4915751182802
Die Sprache, in der wir kommunizieren, wird englisch sein.
Taekwon-Do Center Heidelberg
Zeppelinstr. 189
69121 Heidelberg
Single Class ist für dich, um es auszuprobieren und zu sehen, ob es das Richtige für dich ist.
Das System mit 10 Trainingseinheiten und Monatsvertrag ist perfekt, wenn du deine Reise zu einem gesunden Lebensstil beginnen UND Ergebnisse sehen möchtest.
Persönliche Trainingspläne sind für diejenigen gedacht, die bereit sind, sich selbst auf die nächste Stufe zu bringen.
Single Class
- Teilnahme an einer Trainingseinheit.
- Kann direkt über unsere Buchungsplattform gebucht werden.
10 Trainings
- Teilnahme an 10 Trainingseinheiten
- Wöchentliches Ganzkörper-Workout
- Modifizierte Übungen, die deinen Bedürfnissen am besten entsprechen
- Besprechungszeit vor dem Beginn jeder Stunde
- Positive Energie
- Kann direkt über unsere Buchungsplattform gebucht werden.
- Einen monatlichen Preis zahlen
- An allen Kursen teilnehmen
- Monatliche Kündigung des Vertrags
- Wöchentliches Ganzkörper-Workout
- Modifizierte Übungen, die deinen Bedürfnissen am besten entsprechen
- Besprechungszeit vor dem Beginn jeder Klasse
- Positive Energie
- Bitte kontaktiere uns für weitere Details
Personal Training Plans
- Maßgeschneidertes Ernährungscoaching
- Individuelles Gewohnheits-Coaching
- Individuelle Pläne speziell für Deine Bedürfnisse
- Und wir richten sogar Erfolgsbilder, Messwerte und Kalender ein, um es dir einfach und bequem zu machen.
- Bitte fülle das obige Kontaktformular aus, um ein Beratungsgespräch zu vereinbaren und den für dich am besten geeigneten Plan zu finden.
- Monatsverträge verfügbar
Ein Probetraining ist jederzeit möglich, muss aber im Voraus über unser Buchungssystem (hier im Trainingsplan) gebucht werden.
An Feiertagen findet kein Unterricht statt.
Die hier angegebenen Trainingszeiten sind immer aktuell und können sich daher von Woche zu Woche ändern.
Probetrainings können direkt über unsere Buchungsplattform (den Kursplan) gebucht werden.
Steven Cuoco
Fitness used to be a large part of my life when I was younger, but I’ve had a hard time figuring out how to fit it in as a parent. I’ve kind of lost it for many years now. I think this class is just what I need to get motivated again.
As I drove down the street, a short distance from my house, I saw it looming across the parking lot. Beckoning me. I paused. I could no longer deny its presence, it lured me closer. It was time. Filled with uncertainty and fear, I stepped inside....
A new gym had opened a mere three minute drive from my house. I was ready. I had no more reasons not to go to the gym. Being so time starved, like so many other people, this location was perfect. No more excuses, the gym was right there!
As I walked in, I was waiting to feel intimidated, embarrassed or judged. Instead, wow, the staff were simply amazing! I saw people of all shape, size and age who all have their own reasons for wanting to make a change to feel better, to be able to have the energy to do the things they want to do. I was sold!
I was ready to make a commitment to myself to get healthier and stronger. I knew the best way for me would be with a personal trainer to get me off on the right track. My trainer, Allyson has been my God send. She is caring, dedicated and motivational. With her expertise and guidance, I have lost 50 pounds in 10 months, built some nice muscles and developed a new understanding about the choices I can make in my life to get and stay healthier. Allyson shares her wealth of information about food choices as well as exercise and truly cares about me as a person, not just a client.
I no longer struggle with stairs (or pickle jars for that matter). I have more energy and stamina for my very demanding job. I am halfway to my goal weight loss and I will never go back to being sluggish and tired all the time. People are complimenting me on my looks and success. I am proud to tell them how I achieved that success.
A few years before I started working with Allyson, I'd been diagnosed with several auto-immune issues that were wreaking havoc on my brain and body. I knew I needed to get things under control and was using more supplements and essential oils, swimming, and doing yoga regularly.
I'd also run a marathon - though, when I say run, I was really dragging my legs for 26.2 miles. I wanted to incorporate more weight-bearing exercises, nutritious movement (including barefoot shoes and animal flows), and figure out how to engage particular parts that weren't quite working "right."
As a grad student, I sat and typed a LOT. My shoulders were tight and I'd lost some spinal rotation mobility. As part of the AI issues, my right hip *always* ached. Initially, my goals were to get my shoulders and back working more and then figure out my hips. I knew this would take time -- and it did -- but it was so worth it!
Allyson worked with me to create a program that would gradually build strength while addressing these long-term issues. I learned the importance of rolling out (I can't go anywhere without a lacrosse ball now!) to get tendons and ligaments and muscles to activate. For spinal rotation, we had to work on building some basic strength first, while also learning new ways to do spinal twists. Setbacks happened all the time. I'd realize that something else didn't have full range-of-motion and we needed to work on it. Rather than push me to just build strength, Allyson understands the importance of longterm health for your whole body. She is super creative at coming up with ways to address setbacks and flareups within a current plan and would modify workouts on the spot if I suddenly couldn't do a certain exercise.
I have been to physical therapy for years because of hip pain. Allyson is the first person to figure out that my right hip was not the issue -- my left hip was not engaging at all. My right hip hurt because it was doing all the work! Since then, she has now gotten my left hip to engage and taught me how to stretch it before exercising on my own. Before Allyson, if I was lying down on my back, only my right foot would "fall out" to the side. My left foot would not budge. Now when I lie down, both feet naturally fall out.
Through all of this, Allyson was also helping me build strength in my core and legs for running. Her running assessment helped me understand that I wasn't actually using my legs to propel myself... I was dragging my legs while my upper body pulled me forward. Now I can feel my hips and glutes activate and feel the push-off in my calves.
Allyson has so much knowledge about how the body works and how to teach people proper technique for just about anything - lifting, squats, animal movements, running, swimming, etc. She's also delightful to work with! She's flexible and can adapt to changing needs or goals. My proudest accomplishment last year, which Allyson worked into our workout plans, was doing a handstand. This brought together all the work we did on my shoulders, hips, and abs and I'm happy to say that at 40, I can do handstands!
I've worked with Allyson in-person and online and highly recommend her. She takes the time to get to know her clients and invests in their success. She will share recipes, encouraging words, and (if you're lucky) her adorable girls as workout partners. I didn't think I could ever stick with a trainer for two years... Allyson has made it an easy choice!!